Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

Designing the Future of Cheetah Digital's Marketing Suite

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.

A 0-1 vision project to rethink how marketers use Cheetah Digital's current suite of apps and what new features might be of value.


Senior Designer ‍(worked with two other UX designers, a UX Researcher, as well as stakeholders from product and the C-suite)

Senior Designer ‍(worked with two other UX designers, a UX Researcher, as well as stakeholders from product and the C-suite)

Senior Designer ‍(worked with two other UX designers, a UX Researcher, as well as stakeholders from product and the C-suite)


1 year


Redesign how users interact with their various marketing activities in the Cheetah Digital Marketing Suite by helping users focus on high priority tasks, but also how these fit into larger strategies. Give users insights into marketing campaigns and analytics across various applications within the platform so they can analyze data and take meaningful and timely action.


Design a new dashboard that helps marketers prioritize the right campaigns while also giving transparency into the company's overall marketing efforts.

Design a campaign organization tool that allows marketers to:
1. Manage touchpoints within customer journeys
2. Understand & monitor active/running campaigns
3. Edit triggers, actions, and conditions all in one intuitive interface

Where do we start?


Rethink the IA

To reduce frustration and increase discoverability of new features we knew we needed to address deeply rooted issues like our complex and multi-leveled IA by flattening and simplifying it. When talking with users it was clear they thought about their marketing campaigns as 3 distinct areas in Audiences, Messages, and Operations so we started there.


Users and Associated Tasks

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


User Research

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Early Solution Ideation

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights

Final Screens

The following are screens for managing audience segments, compositions (campaigns), and some visualizations for campaign goals. You'll see the 2:1 ratio reused here. There is also a high emphasis on reused components and layouts when it comes to actions, selection, insights, etc.

Below are designs for our Campaign Planning / User Journey application. A frequent point of feedback from users when using customer journey applications was that they didn't always know what to do or how to get started. We wanted to alleviate those concerns by having templates that were clear and descriptive for users to help boost their confidence. Ideally these would also require minimal rework and further definition by users allowing them to activate journeys more quickly.

Measuring and Validating Designs

Measuring and Validating Designs

Measuring and Validating Designs


Since this was more of a vision project a lot of this work never made it to production but there were many areas that we carved out as starting points to redesign strategic areas of the Marketing Suite. I think this was certainly a learning experience in working with stakeholders at multiple levels, managing expectations, and adapting to changing requirements (or lack thereof entirely). Ultimately I really enjoyed being able to work on something that was kind of blue sky but still anchored by real world use cases and personas and working to bring pieces and features into the Marketing Suite over time.

©2024 Phil Schroeder

©2024 Phil Schroeder

©2024 Phil Schroeder

©2024 Phil Schroeder

©2024 Phil Schroeder

©2024 Phil Schroeder